
Sunday, November 28, 2004

As long as I live I shall not allow myself to forget that I shall
die; I am waiting for death so that I can forget about it.
- Tears and Saints

What to think of other people? I ask myself this question each time
I make a new acquaintance. So strange does it seem to me that we
exist, and consent to exist.
- Drawn and Quartered

My mission is to suffer for all those who suffer without knowing it.
I must pay for them, expiate their unconsciousness, their luck to be
ignorant of how unhappy they are.
- The Trouble with Being Born

If truth were not boring, science would have done away with God long
ago. But God as well as the saints is a means to escape the dull
banality of truth.
- Tears and Saints

We smile, because no answer is conceivable, because the answer would
be even more meaningless than the question.
- The Trouble with Being Born

I feel I am free but I know I am not.
- The Trouble with Being Born

Quotes from E.M.Cioran

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